Robwilsontv.”ESPN 30 for 30 interview – How to NOT Go
Broke.” Youtube. 19 Oct. 2012
was a radio interview with Mia Jackson from the podcast Game Ready Moms, which
is for current and potential athletes navigate the process. In the segment they
discuss the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary ‘Broke’
and how athletes can avoid going broke. They discuss many of the important
factors involved with why athletes can go broke or be under financial stress. One main reason is that the athletes are not
very good at managing their money and give out a lot of money to friends and
family when they ask. The athletes also spend a lot of their money on things
they do not need just to have it and look like they have more than another
player. They then discussed the factors that will help athletes and gave their
opinions on how to prevent athlete bankruptcy.
I was
glad to see that there are now people talking about this issue and looking for different
ways to fix this issue. I think that personally colleges and universities
should do more to prepare these student athletes for the real world and have
them learn responsibilities and how to manage their money. The professional
sports leagues should do more to help these athletes as well, there is
currently some training for incoming rookies, however all leagues should have a
required seminar where they show the players all the bankrupt athletes and
bring some of those athletes in to warn and show the athletes what can happen
when you don’t manage your money correctly. I hope that the leagues and
universities begin to take this issue more seriously and begin to help out
professional athletes when they need it.
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